Taavet Bristol

My passion is finances: keeping order in bloodstreams of every company is the foundation of a successful business.  My expertise over the past 15 years starts from bookkeeping and yearly annual reports, continues with writing business- and financial plans and finishes with expertise in taxes. The goal is simple – to set financial processes transparent and cost-effective, optimizing taxes as low as possible, keeping mind all the tax incentives and using my practical knowledge in other forms that benefit your company.

My work is based on 15 years of experience in entrepreneurship. I set order and help business owners to understand their finances from the roots. You don’t need to worry about keeping order in your companies finances, that would be my expertise leaving you to deal with the company´s main procedures and doing what you are best at.

In that time I have participated in different projects as a founder, project manager or counsellor. If I were to summarise my experience of entrepreneurship then I would say that there are always people behind every success and failure. Keeping right competences next you you is a key factor.

I have studied economics and psychology (University of Tartu) and taxation (Estonian Academy of Security Sciences); I have been an entrepreneur in entertainment, event marketing, catering and energy-saving; and I have created and led several teams, experiencing success and failure along the way.

Previous Articles

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