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  • How do we function in an excessive stress situation?

    A truly incredible aspect of our human body is that it has developed systems to protect us, both physically and emotionally, in a nearly countless number of potentially threatening situations.

    As our immune system activates to fight off infection and we generate healing tissues to mend cuts and broken bones, so our brain also responds to social situations in order to learn, adapt, and protect us from emotional pain and disconnection.
    Our brains and bodies have developed incredible systems to protect our well-being – they are such a gift to us!

    At the same time, challenges arise when these systems become overloaded, derailed, or thrown out of balance by excessive levels of stress or trauma.
    Our natural stress response is designed to energize and adapt us to address potential dangers, in order to keep us safe. Yet if we are inundated with constant messages of immediate or global threats, our body remains flooded with chemicals, such as cortisol and adrenaline, which prevent us from accessing the rest and re-balancing we need for long-term physical and emotional health.

    Similarly, when we experience traumatic social connections in early childhood, our brain develops strategies to protect our immediate safety that often translate into painful patterns of social engagement as adults. While our nervous systems developed these responses to protect our younger selves, as adults these responses often block our connective happiness rather than supporting it.

    “What can we do to support healthy, life-serving responses in our physical and emotional systems?” asks Sarah Peyton after having said the thoughts above.

    You can address these challenges of bringing re-balance and healing to our brains and bodies, in order to cultivate lasting well-being and joyful connection in our lives: learn mindfulness. train your body, ask support from a coach or a counselor, read a book, take a training.

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